Sagitario Hotels

We want you to know Menorca through our eyes.

Why labor inclusion has always been with us

In March we celebrate the World Day of People with Down Syndrome, a very special date for us.

Since the founders of Sagittarius Hotels started the business, more than 30 years ago, they knew that everyone who wanted to, should have a job opportunity in our company. And why was it so clear? Well, because in their own family they had members with different abilities. And what is known closely, is loved in a special way. For this reason, every March 21, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day with our colleagues, a condition that brings an enriching vision to the work teams of our hotels.

This is Joan Taberner and Joan Triay

And, although they share a name, our two companions couldn't be more different. They are united by the fact that they are people with Down Syndrome and that they have both been working at Sagittarius Hotels for about 20 years, almost nothing! But while one is more reserved and discreet, the other loves to do public relations. You can find Joan Triay at the Hostal Ciutadella, where he has developed professionally as a waiter. Taberner shares her work days with her laundry colleagues, and from time to time she also works as a waiter at the Hotel Spa Sagitario Playa. Two examples that, in our family, we all fit!

In addition to having your company and willingness to form a team, at Sagittarius Hotels we reserve some activities for the group of people with Down Syndrome. In fact, for 20 years we have been organizing tennis classes every week at the Hotel Spa Sagitario Playa, where many people from this group have passed and have infected us with their energy and vision of the world.

And every Saturday, our colleague and waiter Biel Seguí teaches dance classes for the members of the Down Syndrome Association of Menorca, bringing together more than ten participants each weekend.

What can you do for our family

We have just told you what for us is a pillar in the values ​​that support the Sagittarius Hotels brand. The family, above all, with its peculiarities, its differences and its difficulties, which together is capable of offering you the best during your stay in Menorca.

But in return, we ask you for a small favor: accept our workers with Down syndrome like any other worker; take an interest in them, for the love they put into treating you as best as possible. Only in this way will we achieve a truly sustainable society in values, in which the inclusion of differences must be above any label.